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About me

 I myself know how difficult it is to be a young   neurodivergent person. Sometimes it feels   like  there’s no support around you and  nobody gets it. This is why I created my private Facebook group called ‘super Sen’s neurodivergent ninjas’ which is a safe space for young people to come and get self help tips, advice and feel less alone in their journey. I think it’s important for all young people to identify their difficulties and how they can be supported but also to identify all of their strengths and what makes them amazingly themselves! I do a Roblox gaming event where all young people can join me and likeminded individuals online to chat or just play the games.

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My aims are for everyone to feel like they belong in the community and for companies, businesses and professionals to make decisions with us neurodivergent people in mind instead of thinking of us as an afterthought.


I also have an email in which professionals can email on if they would like to get young people’s opinions in order to improve their company or workplace and make it more neurodivergent friendly. This email is also open to all young people if they have a question about their diagnosis or struggles or need a quick chat.