Why is it important to understand neurodiversity?
Undrstand the experience of neurodivergent individual through their life span and hear why it's important to listen to neurodivergent voices from a neurodivergent perspective. We also offer bespoke information talks and awareness talks.
What Sarah doesn't know about ADHD, isn't worth knowing. Support, facebook page, group sessions and workshops. Check out facebook for upcoming dates
Ran by Sarah Spencer..
Reasonably priced form filling DLA, PIP, LCWRA (UC50), Family fund, Blue Badge (contact for prices)
Also one to one support with solution focused plan. (£20 per hour)
Business owned by Lisa Nicholls
The contact website has a wealth of support, information and advice around disabilities, benefits and day to day to life with a child or young person with a disabilty. They also have an online chat and a helpline.
ipsea is a fantastic website for all things SEND related. From understanding SEn support, to EHCP nad tribunals, if you need legal information IPSEA has it all. feel connected. The results were outstanding.
Information regarding all things "autism"
For all things "ADHD"
For all things "Tourette's"
Statutory guidance for organisations woking with or supporting children/young people with SEND.
Reasonable adjustments don't just stop because you are a working adult. What should your employer be offering and what support can you get. (also see Access to Work)
The Equality Act 2010 sets out the criteria for disability discrimination and the use of reasonable adjustments.
Full guidance here: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents
Support to help you carry out your job.
Find out about support and processes in the local area. Diagnosis pathways, EHCP processes and links to support and advice agencies.
Information for Birmingham parents/professionals around Birmingham support, procedures and organisations.
The family hubs host a wealth of groups and organisations that provide support, advice and information for all aspects of family life. Pop in, download the app or email them.
All of our team and volunteers are DBS checked and have Safeguarding training.
All policies are annually updated and ratified.
We are fully insured.