Family Events

As well as our family drop ins in the school holidays, we also host themed activities throughout the year. Numbers are limited at these sessions to remain sensory friendly and parents are requested to stay with their children, so they too can join in the fun. There is a small charge but if this is ever an issue please just contact us directly and we can look at this for you. No child will ever be left out.

Previous events

In 2024, we were able to host several arts and crafts drop ins, a Halloween themed session and a fabulous sensory Santa. Thirty six children (2 sessions) were able to access a safe space, where they could make a Christmas Eve box and visit Santa. It was definitely Team Super Sen's highlight of the year. The delight on the children's faces and the feedback from parents was so heartwarming.

Celebrating Neurodiversity Event

Come and join us at our Celebrating Neurodiversity Event. we aim to create a space where, (whilst not forgetting the difficulties we face everyday), we celebrate our differences, our strengths and the unique and exciting way our brain works. developing a positive self identity is key for our young people to be able to feel confident to be themselves and feel safe to unmask. 

Easter Egg Hunt

We will have lots of Easter themed crafts and an easter egg hunt. All children will receive an Easter egg by a very special guest. Come and join in the Easter fun. Book below or by contacting us on Facebook.

A massive thank you to Solihull Family Hubs for giving us the venue to enable us to host our events and weekly sessions.

Keep Up to date with our events and sessions on Facebook. We have a public page for professionals and private page for ND individuals and their families.

Private Facebook group

Private Facebook page

For ND individuals and their families description


Public Facebook Page

For professionals or organisations.


Neurodivergent Ninjas

Facebook group for 13-18 year olds ran by Keera.
